
As usual, Mr. Gidon Kremer’s Lockenhaus collaborators were top-notch. They were Irena Grafenauer, flutist; Isabelle van Keulen, violinist; Marc Marder, bassist; Boris Pergamenshchikov, cellist; Anna Petrova, pianist; Tabea Zimmermann, violist, and Michelle Zukovsky, clarinetist.

[John Rockwell from the New York Times, published: March 22, 1989 | read the full review at the NYTimes »]

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It is rare chance to see Anna Petrova’s live performance. She’s a true artist and a kind of Indiana Jones in the music — every piece of music that she took out from the history oblivion deserves to be heard…

[Anelia Kostova, .net magazine editor, published: May 2006 | link »]

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